DIY 17lt Airgrow Pot (Weedcontrol Fabric Pattern)

A few seasons ago I decided to try a recent popular container product, called Smart pots or 

Airgrow pots.

The official products price make it prohibitive but I decided to make my own plans based 

on the 17lt Polypots, I already use.

I got a roll of weed control fabric for around £3 from HomeBargains and managed to 

make 8 bags.

So the trial was carried out on tomatoes, both started in the polytunnel but then grown 

outdoors till September.

The yield on my DIY Airpot was noticeably more and bigger fruits. 

'Air-Pot ‘air-prunes’ roots and this constant pruning prevents any root 

circling and promoting the growth of more and more feeder roots. It is these fine, fibrous 

roots which use all the available water and food very efficiently, to help develop great top 

growth and excellent fruit.'

Photos below show how roots are finer and go down when they reach the edge  

instead of circling and choking the plant. So I will be making more for next year during the 

winter months, although the ones I made and used this year will be good for at least one 

more season.

So if you're handy with a sewing machine give them a try!

The image on the left is my Airpot and the right is standard plastic.


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