What I'm growing this season.

 This is my 2023 seed list. Some are new to me and many are tried and tested. Special note to the only tomato I'm growing this year, Ourdoor Girl. Although this will persevere through the Scottish summer it excelled in the polytunnel last year, even outproducing old staples like Moneymaker.

2023 Seed List

Chilli Ring of fire

Chilli Bird eye italico

Broad bean Sutton

October to November or February to April. Germinates in around 7-14 days. February sowings in pots or root trainers in the greenhouse or under cloches in the growing site. Later sowings draw out seed drills direct into the growing site 5cm (2in) deep in rows, spacing the seeds 10-15cm (4-6in) apart, and space the rows 45cm (18") apart.

Glasshouse seedlings should be transplanted to the growing site in March, 10cm (4") apart in rows 45cm (18in) apart. Outdoor sowings should be thinned to 10cm (4") apart, the thinning's can be transplanted to make extra rows. When the first beans form, remove the top 6cm (2 1/2in) to help discourage blackflies.

Onion Rjinsburger

Onion Unwin's Exhibition

February to April Early sowing can be made under glass in pots or seed trays, sow seed on the surface of seed sowing compost and lightly cover with a sprinkling of vermiculite or compost, and place at a temperature of 14C. Outdoor sowings can be made in April, sow seed thinly in shallow drills 1.5cm (1/2in) deep, with rows spaced 30cm (12in) apart. Greenhouse-sown seedlings can be pricked out into individual pots or modular trays. Move plants to a cold frame in April to harden off before planting outside 15cm (6in) apart. Outdoor sowings can be thinned gradually until plants are 15cm (6in) apart, then leave to mature as smaller bulbs for storage.

Beetroot Detroit

Sow seeds in situ in Spring after the last frost when the ground has warmed up and then plant successive sowings to early summer. Thinly Sow 1cm deep in rows 30cm apart. Thin seedlings to 8cm apart. Early sowings can be made indoors / heated greenhouse in modules/trays and planted out at 5cm tall after all risk of frost has passed. Pre-soaking seed in warm water 0.5 – 1 hour before sowing will speed up germination.

Turnip Top Milan

Sow directly to bed outdoors avoiding freshly manured areas as soon as the soil is workable in early spring. Sow a second crop in late summer for an autumn/winter harvest. Cover seeds with 1/4 inch fine soil. Space rows 15 to 18 inches apart. When young seedlings are 2 to 4 inches tall, thin to 4 to 6 inches apart. Germination takes 14 to 21 days or longer, depending on soil and weather conditions.

Courgette green bush

A sunny spot protected from strong winds is essential. The soil should be well-drained and rich in humus, the more the better. For an early start (late Mar) place a single seed edgeway 1/2 inch deep in seed compost in a 3-inch pot. The critical part is temperature, these need at least 65F continuous soil temperature (preferably more to maximise germination rates) until germinated.

Celery self blanching

Start seed indoors or in the greenhouse in early spring (March) or 10-12 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Can also be sown directly outdoors after the danger of frost has passed. Cover the seed with 1/8 inch fine soil. Transplant outdoors in late May to mid-June when the weather is warm and settled.

Sorrel red-veined

Sow outdoors from Mar – Sep thinly in drills on well-prepared fine well drained soil. Protect early sowings with a cloche in exposed areas or cold spring. Allow 30 cm between rows. Germinates in 14-21 days. (30-60 days to harvest)

Salad rocket

Sow in spring from the last frost through to late summer in a sunny location. Sow thinly in fine soil 1/2in deep in rows 12in apart. Thin seedlings to 9-12 inches apart.

Cucumber Armenian Long

Cucumber Marketmore

Sow Cucumber seeds from early March to April for indoor cropping and for transplanting outdoors later on. Outdoor varieties may also be direct sown outdoors from May to June. Sow cucumber seeds on their sides at a depth of 1cm (½") in 7.5cm (3") pots of free-draining, seed-sowing compost. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a plastic bag at a temperature of 20C (68F) until germination which takes 7-10 days. Protect the emerging seedlings from direct sunlight to avoid scorching. Grow Cucumber plants until they are large enough to be transplanted. Maintain a minimum temperature of 15c (60F) and keep the compost moist but not wet.

Tomato Outdoor girl

For some reason, this variety is often overlooked by amateur gardeners who want to grow their tomatoes outside and still have an early crop.

It is well suited to variable, colder UK conditions. When grown outside in average ground the flavour is full with a good sweet/acidic flavour.

The RHS has been giving this variety an AGM ever since 1993 and it is well deserved. The leaves can have a slightly unusual shape so don't be surprised if this happens when you grow them.


Sutherland Kale

Sow indoors with good potting soil from February through September. Transplant about 3-4 weeks after sprouting. In our region, kale can grow through the winter without protection and survives best when sown in June or early July for this purpose. Alternatively, direct sow March through September.

Root Parsley Hamburg

March sew direct into the growing site in drills 30cm apart. Thin the seedlings to 20cm apart. Roots may be lifted from October onwards.

Corn Salad [Lamb's lettuce]

Sow direct into the soil from early spring onwards or under cover for earlier sowing in mid-late winter. Can also sow in early autumn/fall for a winter crop.

Bell Peppers

Jan to Apr - Best in cell trays with heat to get started, peppers like warmth.

Pea Douce Provence

A compact growing variety that only reaches a height of 45cm so requires a little bit of support. Pea Douce Provence is a very early & reliable cropper with an excellent sweet taste.

Pea Carouby de Muasanne

An heirloom French variety considered as the original Mange Tout Pea, producing truly enormous thin, flat and wide 5 In. pods that are extremely sweet and very tender. Additionally, the plants and flowers are one of the most attractive of any of the pea varieties allowing them to be included in ornamental planting.

Asparagus Pea

an unusual low-growing plant which produces attractive red flowers followed by angular pods which should be picked small - no longer than 3cm, larger pods will become stringy. For cooking the pods are best steamed as this keeps their asparagus-like flavour.

Sweet Corn Fiesta 

Traditional Indian corn produces stunning ears of bright kernels (red, blue, purple, yellow, gold, black, and white) which are edible but not as sweet as modern yellow F1 Hybrids. The plants are vigorous reaching 2m but do need to be sown early to fully mature. Can also be used dried as ornamental corn.


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