Make some time!

 I was chatting recently to an allotment friend and he commented on one of my previous articles on to burn or not to burn. He said it was resourceful making my own ground chips, but he wouldn’t have the time. Saddened I asked if he ever just sat down and enjoyed just viewing his plot, once again he said there was always something needing his attention. Now this is a common thing amongst most gardeners and if you don’t make the time to just enjoy it for the pure and wholesome pastime that it is, you are missing out. The myriad of jobs, maintenance, weeding and planting will always be present. But make the time to sit and look. Really look, the joy it can give is not only proven to be beneficial to your mental health but can brighten your day in a big way.


It’s also a time when I plan, sometimes saving me precious time in the long run, instead of flitting around like a butterfly, doing this and that, I come up with maybe a better plan or order to do things. It’s amazing how time seems to slow down in these moments, cup of tea in hand, and how I can end up being more productive. Well that’s all I have to say on the matter for now. Try it, make some time!


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